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Interfaces and Classes


Signature Description
LiteDatabase(string connectionString, BsonMapper mapper = null) Creates a new instance of LiteDatabase based on the provided connection string and mapper.
LiteDatabase(ConnectionString connectionString, BsonMapper mapper = null) Creates a new instance of LiteDatabase based on the provided parsed connection string and mapper.
LiteDatabase(Stream stream, BsonMapper mapper = null, Stream logStream = null) Creates a new instance of LiteDatabase based on the provided data and log streams and mapper.
LiteDatabase(ILiteEngine engine, BsonMapper mapper = null, bool disposeOnClose = true) Creates a new instance of LiteDatabase based on a pre-existing ILiteEngine and a mapper. If disposeOnClose is true, engine will also be disposed when this is disposed.
Fields and Properties
Signature Description
BsonMapper Mapper { get; } Gets the BsonMapper being used by this instance. Read-only (use the mapper parameter in the constructors).
ILiteStorage<string> FileStorage { get; } Gets an instance of ILiteStorage<string> that uses _chunk and _files collections. For custom names, use GetStorage method.
int UserVersion { get; set; } Gets or sets the UserVersion pragma for the current datafile.
TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; } Gets or sets the Timeout pragma for the current datafile.
bool UtcDate { get; set; } Gets or sets the UtcDate pragma for the current datafile.
long LimitSize { get; set; } Gets or sets the LimitSize pragma for the current datafile.
int CheckpointSize { get; set; } Gets or sets the Checkpoint pragma for the current datafile.
Collation Collation { get; } Gets the Timeout pragma for the current datafile (can only be changed with a rebuild).