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Object Mapping

The LiteDB mapper converts POCO classes documents. When you get a ILiteCollection<T> instance from LiteDatabase.GetCollection<T>, T will be your document type. If T is not a BsonDocument, LiteDB internally maps your class to BsonDocument. To do this, LiteDB uses the BsonMapper class:

// Simple strongly-typed document
public class Customer
    public ObjectId CustomerId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }
    public List<Phone> Phones { get; set; }
    public bool IsActive { get; set; }

var typedCustomerCollection = db.GetCollection<Customer>("customer");

var schemelessCollection = db.GetCollection("customer"); // <T> is BsonDocument

Mapper conventions

BsonMapper.ToDocument() auto converts each property of a class to a document field following these conventions:

  • Properties can be read-only or read/write
  • The class should have an Id property, <ClassName>Id property, a property with [BsonId] attribute or mapped by the fluent API.
  • A property can be decorated with [BsonIgnore] in order not to be mapped to a document field
  • A property can be decorated with [BsonField("fieldName")] to customize the name of the document field
  • No circular references are allowed
  • By default, max depth of 20 inner classes (this can be changed in the BsonMapper)
  • You can use BsonMapper global instance (BsonMapper.Global) or a custom instance and pass to LiteDatabase in its constructor. Keep this instance in a single place to avoid re-creating the mappings each time you use a database.

In addition to basic BSON types, BsonMapper maps others .NET types to BSON data type:

.NET type BSON type
Int16, UInt16, Byte, SByte Int32
UInt32 , UInt64 Int64
Single Double
Char, Enum String
IList<T> Array
T[] Array
IDictionary<K,T> Document
Any other .NET type Document
  • Nullable<T> are accepted. If value is null the BSON type is Null, otherwise the mapper will use T?.
  • For IDictionary<K, T>, K key must be String or a simple type (convertible using Convert.ToString(..)).


Starting with version 5 of LiteDB you can use BsonCtorAttribute to indicate which constructor the mapper must use. Fields no longer need to have a public setter and can be initialized by the constructor.

public class Customer
    public ObjectId CustomerId { get; }
    public string Name { get; }
    public DateTime CreationDate { get; }
    public bool IsActive { get; }

    public Customer(string name, bool isActive)
        CustomerId = ObjectId.NewObjectId();
        Name = name;
        CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
        IsActive = true;

    public Customer(ObjectId _id, string name, DateTime creationDate, bool isActive)
        CustomerId = _id;
        Name = name;
        CreationDate = creationDate;
        IsActive = isActive;

var typedCustomerCollection = db.GetCollection<Customer>("customer");

When GetCollection<T> is called, it tries to create instances of T by searching for a constructor in the following order:

  • First, it searches for a constructor with BsonCtorAttribute
  • Then, it searches for a parameterless constructor (and assumes all serialized fields are public and all serialized properties have public setters)
  • Finally, it searches for a constructor whose parameters names match with the names of the fields in the document

Please note that all the parameters in the constructor annotated with BsonCtorAttribute must be of a simple type, BsonDocument or BsonArray.

Register a custom type

You can register your own map function, using the RegisterType<T> instance method. To register, you need to provide both serialize and deserialize functions.

    serialize: (uri) => uri.AbsoluteUri,
    deserialize: (bson) => new Uri(bson.AsString)
  • serialize function receives an instance of T and returns an instance of BsonValue
  • deserialize function receives an instance of BsonValue and returns an instance of T
  • RegisterType supports complex objects via BsonDocument or BsonArray

Mapping options

BsonMapper class settings:

Name Default Description
SerializeNullValues false Serialize field if value is null
TrimWhitespace true Trim strings properties before mapping to document
EmptyStringToNull true Empty strings convert to null
ResolvePropertyName (s) => s A function to map property name to document field name
EnumAsInteger false Map enum to string (default) or to int
IncludeFields false If mapper should include all class fields
IncludeNonPublic false If mapper should include all private/protected fields/properties
ResolveCollectionName typeof(T).Name When collection name are omitted, use this collection name resolver function

Please note that Linq expressions in typed collections will only work over Enum fields if EnumAsInteger = true.

BsonMapper offers 2 predefined functions to resolve property names: UseCamelCase() and UseLowerCaseDelimiter('_').


public class Customer
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }

    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public string LastName { get; set; }

var doc = BsonMapper.Global.ToDocument(new Customer { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe" });

var id = doc["_id"].AsInt;
var john = doc["first_name"].AsString;
var doe = doc["customerLastName"].AsString;


There are 4 built-in auto-id functions implemented:

  • ObjectId: ObjectId.NewObjectId()
  • Guid: Guid.NewGuid() method
  • Int32/Int64: New collection sequence

AutoId is only used when there is no _id field in the document upon insertion. In strongly-typed documents, BsonMapper removes the _id field for empty values (like 0 for Int or Guid.Empty for Guid). Please note that AutoId requires the id field to have a public setter.

While the AutoId can be used similarly to a sequence in a relational database, it behaves slightly differently. AutoIds are not persisted and have to be recreated in memory when the file is reopened, so it is possible that an id from a previously deleted document ends up being reused.

Fluent Mapping

LiteDB offers a complete fluent API to create custom mappings without using attributes, keeping you domain classes without external references.

Fluent API uses EntityBuilder to add custom mappings to your classes.

var mapper = BsonMapper.Global;

    .Id(x => x.MyCustomKey) // set your document ID
    .Ignore(x => x.DoNotSerializeThis) // ignore this property (do not store)
    .Field(x => x.CustomerName, "cust_name"); // rename document field