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The following structure defines the SQL query syntax in LiteDB. Keyworks and function names are case-insensitive.

  SELECT   <selectExpr0>  [, <selectExprN>]
[ INTO     <collection>|<$file(param)> [ : <autoIdType> ] ]
[ FROM     <collection>|<$systemCollection> ]
[ INCLUDE  <pathExpr0> [, <pathExprN> ]
[ WHERE    <filterExpr> ]
[ GROUP BY <groupByExpr>} ]
[ HAVING   <filterExpr> ]
[ ORDER BY <orderByExpr> [ ASC | DESC ] ]
[ LIMIT    <number> ]
[ OFFSET   <number> ]

If the keywork EXPLAIN is present before a query, the result is a document that explains how the engine plans to run the query.


The SELECT clause defines the projections that are applied to the results. A select expression can be:

  • A literal of any BSON type that LiteDB supports;
  • A valid JSON path;
  • A function over literals or JSON paths.

The GROUP BY clause restricts the possible values in this clause. For more info, chech the GROUP BY documentation below.


If this clause is present, the result of the query is inserted into collection and the query returns the number of documents inserted.

If the result does not containt a $_id field, autoIdType is used to generate one of the specified type (GUID, INT, LONG or OBJECTID). If no autoIdType is present, the default is OBJECTID.

If collection is the system collection $file, the result will be written to a file. For more information, check the System Collections documentation.


This clause is used to indicate the source collection for the query.

If collection starts with $, it is a system collection. For more information, check the System Collections documentation.


If this clause is presents, references are resolved by the query engine before returning the results.

Every path expression must be a valid JSON path that points to an embedded document or array of embedded documents with the following structure:

	"$id" : 1,
	"$ref" : "Customers"

The field $ref indicates which collection is being referenced and the field $id corresponds to the $_id field in the document being referenced.

A filter expression is a series of expressions joined by the logical operators AND or OR. Every expression must resolve to a boolean value. For more information, check the Expressions documentation.

Group By

If this clause is present, the results are grouped by an expression and the query returns a document for each group.

A group-by expression can be any valid expression. For more information, check the Expressions documentation.

Please note that only one grouping expression is allowed. However, grouping by multiple fields can be achieved by using a document or array containing the desired fields as the grouping expression.

If this clause is present, only the special parameter @key (which returns the value in the grouping expression) or aggregate functions can be used in the SELECT clause.


If this clause is present, the groups are filtered by a filter expression (similarly to how a WHERE clause filters individual documents).

A filter expression is a series of expressions joined by the logical operators AND or OR. Every expression must resolve to a boolean value. For more information, check the Expressions documentation.

In the HAVING clause, only the special parameter @key (which returns the value in the grouping expression) or aggregate functions can be used.

Order By

If this clause is present, the resulting documents are ordered by the provided sort expression.

A sort expression can be any valid expression. For more information, check the Expressions documentation.

This clause cannot be used with a GROUP BY clause.


Limits the amount of documents return to a maximum of number.


Returns only the documents starting from the position number. Please note that the offset value is zero-based.

For Update

If this clause is present, the collections used in the query are opened with full write lock.